
Updated 22/08/2024 Xero

By integrating EasyVend with Xero, you get a business system that handles your all your accounting. Once you have set up EasyVend and created your Xero Company File, you can link the two together. When you synchronize with Xero:

  • Invoices and receipts created in EasyVend will be added to your transactions in Xero, and
  • If a payment for an EasyVend invoice is added via Xero, the payment will be added to your receipts in EasyVend and allocated to the invoice

To enable Xero integration, please contact the JealTech team on 02 9188 4470. Once enabled, connecting your EasyVend company to your Xero Organization can be done in three easy steps:

  1. Authenticating your Xero Organization with EasyVend 
  2. Mapping the accounts that EasyVend will use when sending data to your Xero Organization
  3. Starting the synchronization process

You then synchronize EasyVend with Xero on a regular basis to keep Xero up-to-date.

Once an invoice or receipt has been synchronized with Xero:

  • The transaction's status is updated to show it has been 'posted' to Xero
  • The transaction cannot be edited or deleted without first removing it from Xero by 'unposting' it
  • The transaction details screen will have two additional buttons:
    • Un-post XeroClick to 'unpost' the transaction so it can be edited or deleted in EasyVend
      • Unposting removes the transaction from Xero
      • After editing and saving, you can perform another sync to re-post the updated transaction to Xero
    • View in Xero: Click to open and view this transaction in Xero

Note: For specific accounting questions directly related to Xero, take advantage of Xero's free online support.

Set up the Connection between EasyVend and Xero Mapping the Chart of Accounts Synchronizing with Xero The Sync Process Sync Errors Bank Reconciliation and the Payment Gateway Top


1. Set up the Connection between EasyVend and Xero

To enable Xero integration, please contact the JealTech team on 02 9188 4470. Once enabled:

  • Select Xero from the EasyVend Settings menu
  • Click the Connect to Xero button 
  • If you weren’t already logged into Xero, a Xero login page will appear; login and continue
  • When prompted by Xero that EasyVend wants access, click Allow access
  • Notes:
    • If your Xero account has multiple organizations, you will be prompted to select the organization to which you want to link EasyVend
    • Once you have performed your first synchronization, you should not disconnect from Xero or connect to a different Xero organization without first consulting your accountant and JealTech.


2. Mapping your Xero Chart of Accounts to EasyVend

For EasyVend to synchronize transactions with your Xero Organization, it needs to know which Accounts in your Xero Chart of Accounts to use when posting EasyVend transactions. This is configured via the Xero Mapping page in EasyVend, outlined below.

Before You Start

Brand new Xero Organizations by default do not contain a valid Bank Account, which is necessary for payments and receipts. For each bank account you will use, you must set up the account details in both EasyVend and Xero.

  • In EasyVend:
    • Select General Settings from the Settings menu
    • Click Bank Account Settings
    • If you have not already done so, add the details of each bank account you will use
  • In Xero:
    • Select Chart of Accounts from the Accounting menu
    • If you have not already done so, for each bank account in EasyVend:
      • Click Add Bank Account
      • Add the bank account details:
        • Select the appropriate bank
        • Type in the Account Name
        • Give the account a unique Account Code
          • Note: Although an Account Code is optional for bank accounts in Xero, EasyVend requires that each bank account has a unique Account Code
        • Select the type of account and enter the account details

Conversion Date

The Conversion Date is the date from which EasyVend transactions will be synced to Xero.  Invoices and receipts dated prior to the conversion date will not be synced.

The conversion date would usually match the Opening Balance Date in Xero. However, if you have already been manually entering EasyVend data into Xero, you will need to discuss the conversion date with your accountant and JealTech.

Mapping your Accounts

  • Select Xero from the EasyVend Settings menu
  • If you haven't already done so, set up the connection with Xero as described in Step 1
  • Click the Xero Mapping link
  • The Mapping screen consists of drop-down sections. Each section expands down to reveal a list of options for which you must select the corresponding account or tax type from your Xero Chart of Accounts:
    • Bank Accounts:
      • For each bank account you have set up in EasyVend, select the corresponding bank account in Xero
    • Other Accounts:
      • For each account, you can:
        • Select an existing account from the Xero Chart of Accounts, or
        • Click Create Default to have EasyVend generate a new account of the correct type in Xero; this new account can easily be identified as holding data from EasyVend
    • Tax Types:  
      • Select the correct tax type for your sales. For Australia, these are:
        • Sales Tax Type: GST on Income - 10% (Output)
        • Sales GST Free Tax Type: GST Free Income - 0% (Exemptoutput)
        • Non-Reportable Transactions: BAS Excluded - 0% (Basexcluded)
  • Click Save Changes to finish your Xero Account Mapping

Mapping Details

Section Account Account Type Description
Bank Accounts Bank 'Bank' Account or
Enable Payments = true
One account for each bank account into which customer receipts are paid
Other Accounts Revenue -
Sales Account
'Sales' or 'Revenue'
Create Default generates: 212 EasyVend - Sales (Revenue)
Account to which income from EasyVend invoices is posted
Revenue -
Credit Card Surcharge Account
'Sales' or 'Revenue'
Create Default generates:
213 Easyvend – Credit Card Surcharge (Revenue)
Account to which credit card surcharges are posted
Holding 'Current Liability' with Enable Payments = true
Create Default generates: 842 EasyVend – Customer Deposits/Payments (Current Liability)
Account for temporarily holding receipts from customers until they are allocated to an invoice
Tax Types Sales GST on Income Used for sales subject to GST
Sales GST Free GST Free Income Used for sales not subject to GST but included in your BAS
Non-Reportable BAS Excluded Tax type used for things that don't get included in your Business Activity Statement (e.g. drawings from the business, wages and superannuation)


3. Synchronizing with Xero

  • Select Xero from the EasyVend Settings menu
  • Click the Sync Now link
  • Select a Date to Sync to 
    • Transactions dated prior to and including this date are synced to Xero
  • Click the Sync Now button
  • A summary will appear listing the results of the sync, including counts of the number of each transaction type, and errors, if any.
    • If there are any errors, they will be listed below the results lists, with a link the to the transaction causing the error


The Synchronization Process

Transaction Synchronization Result Notes
Invoice created in EasyVend Invoice created in Xero
- 1 line item for taxed products
- 1 line item for untaxed products
Dr: Accounts Receivable
Cr: Revenue [EasyVend - Sales]
Cr: GST if applicable
Negative invoice created in EasyVend Credit Note created in Xero Cr: Accounts Receivable
Dr: Revenue [EasyVend - Sales]
Dr: GST if applicable
Unpost invoice in EasyVend Invoice voided in Xero (at the time of unposting - unposting a transaction in EasyVend sychronizes that transaction with Xero immediately) Postings reversed (at the time of unposting)
If the invoice is not cancelled in EasyVend, it will be re-posted when you next sync
Add unallocated receipt in EasyVend Receive Money transaction created in Xero Dr: Bank Account
Cr: Holding Account [EasyVend – Customer Deposits/Payments]
Allocate receipt in EasyVend Payment transaction created in Xero Dr: Holding Account [EasyVend – Customer Deposits/Payments]
Cr: Accounts Receivable
Unpost receipt in EasyVend Delete Receive Money in Xero
Delete Payment in Xero if receipt was allocated

Postings reversed (at the time of unposting)
If the receipt is not deleted in EasyVend, it will be re-posted when you next sync
Create $0 receipt to offset a credit note (negative invoice) against an invoice in EasyVend Create 2 offsetting Payment transactions in Xero allocated to the credit note and invoice. No Receive Money transaction is created because the receipt is for $0. Dr: Holding Account [EasyVend – Customer Deposits/Payments]
Cr: Accounts Receivable

Cr: Holding Account [EasyVend – Customer Deposits/Payments]
Dr: Accounts Receivable
In Xero: Pay an EasyVend invoice Receipt created in EasyVend and allocated to the invoice Dr: Bank Account
Cr: Accounts Receivable
In Xero: Delete a receipt that was added via Xero Receipt deleted in EasyVend Receipts added via Xero cannot be unposted, edited or deleted in EasyVend. Any changes to a receipt added via Xero must be made in Xero.


Synchronization Errors

If there errors when syncing with Xero, the details of the error will be displayed on screen:

In the Errors section, you can view the item causing the error by clicking on the link in the item's Link column.

Common Synchronization Errors


Error: Payment amount exceeds the amount outstanding on this document AND Payments can only be made against Authorised documents
Solution: If you get this pair of errors together you have separately added a receipt to an invoice in both Xero and EasyVend. This causes a double payment (an overpayment), which Xero will not allow.

The fix here is to remove the payment/receipt from Xero and then to sync again.

ErrorPayments can only be made against Authorised documents
Solution: If you get this error by itself, you have added a receipt to a voided invoice in Xero. This means you have synced an invoice to Xero, deleted the invoice in Xero, and then added a receipt for the invoice in EasyVend. Why you try to sync, the receipt  attempts to allocate itself to a voided (deleted) invoice, which Xero will not allow.

The fix here is to Unpost the invoice in EasyVend and then perform another sync. This re-creates the invoice in Xero so the payment can be allocated against it.


Error: Email address must be valid
Solution: The Customer email must match the format abc@def


ErrorInvoice not of valid status for modification
SolutionAn already paid-for invoice is being attempted to be changed. This is an illegal operation.

ErrorInvoice not of valid status for modification This document cannot be edited as it has a payment or credit note allocated to it
SolutionAn already paid-for invoice is being attempted to be changed. This is an illegal operation.

Error: You have reached the limit of invoices you can approve
Solution: You are using a Xero Trial Account which has a maximum of 5 invoices allowed. You must upgrade your Xero account to use more.

Invoice Receipt

ErrorDocument could not be found
SolutionThe related Sale's Invoice has not been synchronized to Xero.

ErrorThe specified bank account details does match a known bank account
SolutionThe selected Payment Account is not valid for accepting payments. Please select a Bank or other valid Account .


Xero, bank reconciliations and the payment gateway

If you have set up the payment gateway, the payment gateway will credit your bank account with the money received, minus the payment gateway's fee. When doing a bank reconciliation in Xero, you will need to:

  • Identify the individual receipts from customers that you are now receiving from the payment gateway, and
  • Add a transaction to account for the fee deducted

The Xero Adjustments feature provides a quick and easy way to enter the payment gateway's fee as you are doing your bank reconciliation. Please see The Payment Gateway, Online Website and Customer Order Portal for full details.